A personal loan is a sum of money that you can take out for a number of different uses. For example, you could use a personal loan to finance your ideal wedding, pay for home improvements, or combine debt. Online lenders, credit unions, and banks can all provide personal loans. You have to pay back the money you borrow, usually with interest, over time. For personal loans, some lenders might additionally impose fees.
Best offers from India’s most trusted Loan Providers
Loan Provider | Loan Amount | Best Rate | Max Tenure | Processing Fee | Approval Time | |
Prefr | Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5 Lakhs | 15% to 36% | 3years | 3-5% of Loan Amount | Within 2 hours | |
Fibe | 5K - 5lakh | 12% | 36months | Rs199 onwards | Instant | |
HSBC | 30lakhs | 10.5% | 5years | upto 1% | Quick Approvals | |
InCred | 10lakhs | 14% | 5years | 2% | In 15minutes | |
L&T | Upto 7 lakhs | 11%-20% p.a. | 4 years | 1.75% to 2% of loan amount | Easy Online Approvals | |
Aditya Birla Personal Loan | 50lakhs | 10.99% onwards | 7years | upto 2% | Quick Approvals | |
Tata Capital | 35Lakhs | 11.75% | 7years | 2% | Instant Approval |
No End Use Restrictions
The amount of your loan has no restrictions on how you can use it. These loans have been used by borrowers for a wide range of purposes, including debt consolidation, business startup, and home improvements as well as medical costs. As long as the payments are made on schedule, you can use the loan for any personal needs, including weddings, travel, down payments, medical expenses, rental deposits, two-wheeler purchases, home renovations, and other expenses.
Fast Disbursement
The last thing you want to do when applying for a personal loan is have to wait days or even weeks to hear back from the lender about your approval. Fast disbursal refers to the process of receiving funds into your account as soon as your loan application is approved, typically within a day or two. If you require the money immediately for an unforeseen expense, this can be a great relief.
No Security Needed
The lender doesn't ask for any collateral when you take out a personal loan. This implies that you can obtain a loan without pledging your house, car, or other assets as collateral. If you don't have any equity in your house or other valuable property to use as collateral, this might be useful.
Tenure Flexibility
The flexibility offered by this kind of loan in terms of repayment duration is one of its primary characteristics. Since most loans have terms ranging from six months to five years, borrowers are free to select a repayment schedule that best fits their needs in terms of both money and ability to repay the loan.
Fixed Interest Rate
These unsecured loans can be used for a variety of things. Since the interest rate is fixed, it won't change during the course of the loan. They are therefore the best option for borrowers who desire consistent monthly payments.
The approval process at LoanTap takes just 24 to 36 hours.
Your credit score may suffer, you may incur late fees, and interest rates may rise as a result of a missed payment. To find out how to make up for missed payments, get in touch with your lender.
You can apply for this kind of loan if you are an independent contractor. To prove your income, you might need to submit extra paperwork, like tax returns or business financial statements.
Personal Loan EMI Calculator