Lifetime free credit cards often promise zero annual fees, but that doesn’t mean they’re entirely free of charges. Understanding these hidden costs is crucial for making informed decisions.
Common Hidden Costs in LTF Credit Cards
1. Late Payment Fees
2. Cash Advance Fees
3. Foreign Transaction Charges
4. Over-Limit Fees
5. Reward Redemption Fees
Learn how to mitigate these charges by reading Are Lifetime Free Credit Cards Really Free?.
Tips to Avoid Hidden Costs
While lifetime free credit cards save you from annual fees, hidden charges can still add up. Being aware of these costs helps you use the card more effectively.
For an overview of LTF credit cards, visit Best Lifetime Free Credit Cards in India.
Are lifetime free credit cards completely free of charges?
No, while lifetime free credit cards don’t have annual fees, they may include other charges such as late payment fees, cash advance fees, and foreign transaction charges.
What is a cash advance fee on lifetime free credit cards?
A cash advance fee is charged when you withdraw cash using your credit card, typically ranging from 2.5% to 3% of the withdrawal amount.
How can I avoid late payment fees on my LTF credit card?
Ensure timely payment of your credit card dues in full to avoid late payment penalties.
What are foreign transaction charges on LTF credit cards?
These are fees charged for transactions made in foreign currencies, usually between 3% and 5% of the transaction value.
Do I have to pay to redeem reward points on my lifetime free credit card?
Some credit cards may charge a reward redemption fee, typically ranging from ?99 to ?500, depending on the redemption value.
How can I minimize hidden costs on lifetime free credit cards?
Pay full balances on time, avoid cash advances, stay within your credit limit, and review your card’s terms regularly to stay informed about any fee changes.
Do all lifetime free credit cards have hidden charges?
Most LTF credit cards include some form of fees for specific actions, but their terms vary by issuer. Always check the card’s terms and conditions before applying.
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