Credit cards come with various fees and charges that can impact your finances if not managed properly. Understanding these charges will help you make informed decisions and avoid unnecessary expenses. This guide provides a detailed breakdown of all the major credit card fees, including annual fees, interest rates, foreign transaction charges, and more.
1. Annual & Renewal Fees
What It Is:
Types of Cards & Fees:
How to Avoid It:
2. Interest Charges (APR - Annual Percentage Rate)
What It Is:
Average APR in India:
How to Avoid It:
3. Late Payment Fee
What It Is:
Typical Late Fee Charges:
Outstanding Amount | Late Payment Fee |
Below 500 | 0 – 200 |
501 - 5,000 | 400 – 600 |
5,001 - 10,000 | 750 – 950 |
10,000+ | 1,000 – 1,300 |
How to Avoid It:
4. Cash Advance Fee
What It Is:
How to Avoid It:
5. Foreign Transaction Fee
What It Is:
Typical Charges:
How to Avoid It:
6. Over Limit Fee
What It Is:
How to Avoid It:
7. EMI Conversion Charges
What It Is:
Typical EMI Charges:
How to Avoid It:
8. Card Replacement Fee
What It Is:
Typical Charges:
How to Avoid It:
9. Reward Redemption Fee
What It Is:
How to Avoid It:
Conclusion: How to Minimize Credit Card Fees
Choose a Lifetime Free Credit Card or one with an annual fee waiver.
Always pay the full balance to avoid interest and late fees.
Avoid cash withdrawals and over-limit spending.
Use forex-friendly cards for international transactions.
Set up auto-payments to avoid missing due dates.
Understanding these fees will help you use your credit card wisely, save money, and maximize benefits.
FAQs: Credit Card Fees & Charges
1. What is the most common fee on a credit card?
The most common fee is the annual fee, charged for maintaining your card. However, some cards come with a zero annual fee.
2. How can I avoid credit card interest charges?
Pay your total outstanding bill before the due date every month to avoid interest charges.
3. What happens if I don’t pay my credit card bill on time?
If you miss your payment due date, you will be charged late fees, and interest will start accumulating on the unpaid balance. It can also impact your CIBIL score.
4. Do all credit cards charge foreign transaction fees?
Not all! Some premium travel credit cards offer zero forex markup, while others charge 2-3.5% on foreign currency transactions.
5. What is a cash advance fee on a credit card?
A cash advance fee is charged when you withdraw money from an ATM using your credit card. It includes a withdrawal fee (2.5-3.5%) plus interest (36-48% per annum).
6. Can I get a waiver on my credit card annual fee?
Yes! Many credit cards offer an annual fee waiver if you spend a certain amount (e.g., 1 lakh per year).
7. What is an over-limit fee?
An over-limit fee is charged if you spend beyond your approved credit limit. This fee is typically 2.5-3% of the over-limit amount.
8. How do I check my credit card fees?
You can check the fees in the terms & conditions section on your bank’s website or in your monthly credit card statement.
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