Bihar's Quest for Special Category Status: Understanding the Demands and Ramifications

Yogita Chand by EaseMyDeal



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Bihar's longstanding plea for Special Category Status (SCS) has gained momentum yet again, propelled by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's persistent efforts to draw attention to the state's economic and developmental struggles. The recent Cabinet resolution passed under his leadership reignited discussions around this pivotal designation and the urgency of its implications for Bihar's future.

Understanding Special Category Status

The genesis of Special Category Status dates back to 1969, marked by its introduction on the recommendation of the fifth Finance Commission. The classification aims to aid states facing significant socio-economic or geographical hurdles. The criteria for granting SCS encompass various factors like challenging terrain, low population density with sizeable tribal communities, proximity to international borders, economic and infrastructural backwardness, and the non-viability of state finances.

Initially granted to Jammu & Kashmir, Assam, and Nagaland, the SCS list expanded to include eight more states, namely Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. These states received preferential treatment in the form of Central assistance and tax benefits to support their developmental initiatives.

Bihar's Justification for SCS

The recent impetus for Bihar's renewed plea for SCS emerged from the "Bihar Caste-based Survey, 2022," painting a stark picture of nearly one-third of the state's population residing in poverty. Additionally, the Niti Aayog's 'Multi-dimensional Poverty Index' report ranked Bihar as the poorest state in India, highlighting that around 52% of its populace lacked adequate access to healthcare, education, and basic living standards.

Chief Minister Nitish Kumar strategically utilized the Niti Aayog report to bolster his demand for SCS, marking a departure from prior attempts to gain this status dating back to 2006. His acknowledgment of Bihar's challenges and alignment with the Niti Aayog's findings provided a substantial basis for his argument.

Raghuram Rajan Committee's Suggestions

The Raghuram Rajan Committee, tasked with examining backwardness in Indian states, proposed the creation of a new 'composite development index' to better assess a state's needs. It suggested that SCS should be awarded based on a comprehensive evaluation rather than a fixed set of criteria. This recommendation aims to consider the evolving challenges faced by states and ensure a more dynamic approach to resource allocation.

The Benefits of Special Category Status

SCS isn't merely a title; it signifies access to vital resources and fiscal assistance crucial for a state's development. States with SCS benefit from increased central assistance, tailored developmental packages, and tax breaks, allowing them to address their unique challenges effectively. This status plays a pivotal role in leveling the playing field for economically disadvantaged states, providing them with necessary resources to propel growth and address developmental gaps.

Nitish Kumar's Advocacy

Nitish Kumar's ardent advocacy for Bihar's SCS aligns with his commitment to the state's progress. He has emphasized Bihar's population density as a critical factor contributing to its developmental constraints, stressing the immense pressure on limited resources owing to the disproportionate population.

His leadership, backed by statistical evidence showcasing Bihar's progress despite impediments, underscores the need for support and recognition of the state's efforts. His insistence on transforming Bihar as a crucial step towards transforming India resonates with the larger narrative of inclusive growth.

The Road Ahead

As Nitish Kumar gears up for a statewide tour, his fervent pursuit of Bihar's SCS resonates with both his constituents and opposition parties, compelling them to rally behind this critical demand. With the BJP's notable silence on the matter, the political landscape regarding Bihar's SCS is poised for potential shifts, indicating the gravity of this issue in the political discourse.

In conclusion, Bihar's quest for Special Category Status encapsulates its aspirations for equitable growth and development. Nitish Kumar's determined efforts and strategic utilization of reports and findings have amplified the urgency of addressing Bihar's challenges. The impending statewide tour is poised to further amplify the demand for Bihar's rightful status, urging policymakers to reckon with the state's pressing needs and aspirations for a brighter future.

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